Kay Bojesen’s Grand Prix cutlery is manufactured in stainless steel, which is defined as a type of steel that is resistant to rust, when treated correctly.


Make sure to always rinse the cutlery with hot water after every use. The cutlery should not be left for longer periods of time with remnants of food on it, as salts and acids from the food can cause staining.

Do not soak dirty cutlery in water for prolonged periods of time, as the chemical processes between the metal and mineral salts, from leftover food, will increase the risk of rust.

Store and wash silver- and steel cutlery separately.


Avoid washing non-stainless steel utensils in the dishwasher. These typically include most garlic presses, cheese slicers, egg slicers, strainers, lunch boxes and graters.

When using a dishwasher, always rinse off the cutlery before wash, unless the machine is turned on straight away.

Once the programme is done, make sure to open the dishwasher door immediately to let out steam from the machine, to prevent the cutlery being stored in a damp environment. Make sure the cutlery is completely dry before stowing it away.

Always follow the user manual and dosage instructions for your specific dishwasher and detergent. Detergent with chlorine should generally be avoided.

Use appropriate amounts of rinse aid and salt on a regular basis, to keep your machine clean. 

The wire baskets of your dishwasher should be examined regularly for rust and replaced or treated when necessary*.


If you, despite efforts of prevention, experience small rust spots on your cutlery, it can be due to floating rust. This type of rust can develop if other utensils in your dishwasher are rusted, for example a cheese slicer or the wire baskets of the dishwasher. The rust on these utensils can ‘float’ around in the dishwasher and settle on other pieces of cutlery or tableware.


The first thing to do, if you experience rust spots on your cutlery or in your dishwasher, is to clean the machine by running an anti-rust programme. Remove the rust stains from the cutlery and any other steel equipment, immediately, using a stainless steel cleaner.

*The wire baskets in dishwashers are often made of iron with a rubber coating on top. Check to see if there is any visible damage to the rubber surface, as holes in the coating can allow for rust to develop on the metal part. The most efficient way to solve the problem, is to replace the wire basket with a new one. Alternatively, a rusty hole can be sealed, using a sealing product that is non-toxic and water resistant after hardening.

Another easy method of removing rust from the dishwasher, is to create a small ball of tinfoil and placing it into the cutlery basket before running a washing programme together with the rest of the tableware. The tinfoil ball will attract and capture the floating rust in the dishwasher, preventing it from settling on the cutlery and other steel utensils. Throw out the tinfoil ball after use. In more severe cases of rust, the programme may have to be run more than once, using a new tinfoil ball each time.


Washing tableware by hand is always recommended, as it is typically a gentler method of cleaning, which will prolong the lifetime of the cutlery. It is especially a good idea to wash knives separately and by hand, to protect the sharpness of the blades and to avoid the risk of rust stains.

If rust appears on the knives, but not the rest of the cutlery, it can be explained by the steel type of the knives. The dinner knife is manufactured in a slightly different and ‘harder’ type of steel, to make the knife blade sharp and durable. It is recommended to remove rust spots as soon as possible, to avoid adding impurities to food whilst eating.